Let Feng Shui bring harmony and fortune into your personal and business life.

Chinese Geomancy and Feng Shui

Ms. Tang is a fifth generation
practitioner now residing in Baltimore County, Maryland.
She is available for Feng Shui consultation nationwide.

Click for language

English 普通话

Chinese Feng Shui [Shen Shu Tang]

Hours (工作时间): 11am-7pm EST (早上11点到下午7点 美国东部时间)
Phone (联系电话): (443)-962-0888
Email  (电子邮箱): tang@usa-fengshui.com
                       Fields with green titles are mandatory (标有绿色的字体必需填写)
Name (姓名)
Address (地址): Street line (街道)1
Street line (街道)2
Email (电子邮箱)
Please repeat email (请再次键入电子邮箱)
Home phone (家庭电话)
Cell phone (手机电话)
Birthday (this depends on what you want)
Time of birth (出生时间)
Birth city (出生所在城市)
Birth state (出生所在州[省])
Birth country (出生所在国家)
Reason for consultation (咨询对象)
Notes (留言)

中国风水地理,阴阳五行,周易八卦,奇门遁甲,命理,事业,求谋,居住环境与中国古代文化玄学, 算命, 占卦,择吉, 预测, 婚姻嫁娶.